Tag: quail

Quail experiment…aka things the videos leave out…

I raised cortunix quail several years ago and impulsively bought a bunch of young chicks from a fellow vendor at a farmer’s market. So cute! So small!

I already had a brooder setup, using a watering trough plus cover plus light. Puppy pads were bedding because the first few days I like to make sure they don’t eat the bedding. Chick sized feeders, quail sized waterers (shallow and narrow so they can’t drown). They were quickly snuggled into their spot, shown the water and food, and seemed happy for a couple of days…

….and then they started dying off. Day 3-5 I lost almost half the group. No particular reason! I started asking around and apparently that’s the norm now? Seems they don’t transition to feed and once the yolk sac is gone, so are they. I do NOT remember that from all the babies I raised! I hatched out almost a hundred and didn’t lose that much…so it appears the lines are weaker now.

And the SMELL. OMG. I thought the ducks were bad as babies…but these were worse. Yes, it’s possible. Ducks smelled like wet feed, these smelled like rotting feed. And the FEATHER DUST…my allergies said no more. They were dustier than all the chickens and ducks combined. Below is a picture of the mess from two days…and not that many birds for the area. Ugh.

Found out the breeder I got mine from had lost a bunch due to power outages from a storm…half jokingly offered to sell back the ones I had left. They accepted and a day later…I’m done with quail. Experiment over.

Unless I can find a line that doesn’t have 40-50% chick mortality, and raise outside on wire bottoms, they are not worth it for me…chalk this one up to experience! A disappointing one…but last I checked they were happily being used as breeders so it worked out.

So all those videos claiming how easy quail are? They leave the hard stuff out. You’ve been warned!

New adorable babies joining the homestead

I took a few animals to a local farmer’s market to make some room this weekend. I joked last month how the vendors end up buying from each other as much as the public does…and I did it myself.

These are Cortunix quail, different colors. 2 days old in this picture, basically little cottonballs. Quail can be tricky to raise and unfortunately I’ve already lost a couple…but I’m looking forward to raising as many as I can out of this batch. Aren’t they cute???

The next picture has two combined groups…the ones with the wing feathers are my new Serama chicks. Tiny chickens, eggs a bit bigger than quail eggs, introduced to me by the booth next to me at the market last month. I also bought a couple adult pairs but that’ll be another post. These are actually several weeks old!

The red ones with barely any feathers are Leghorns from Tractor Supply (that’ll be yet another post lol) and are probably a week old. The reason the two groups are together is the Seramas were huddled together despite it being over 90 on the porch so I decided to see if they’d like a heat lamp. Yep, they did!

The quail were my final critter I wanted on the homestead. The Serama chickens I’m hoping with either help with feed bills through sales or will be single serving sized meals. The leghorns were not in any plans, so I’ll have to see how they grow. I may just raise them and sell, depending on the market and what gender they turn out to be.

But for now, I’ll just enjoy the cute baby stages of all of them 🙂

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